Sunday 5 May 2013

First Impressions...

Greetings from the land of the Thunder Dragon!

I arrived in Bhutan almost exactly one week ago, and have been slowly settling in and making myself at home. It still feels somewhat surreal to finally be here!

The landing at the international airport in Paro was quite remarkable; imagine flying a large jet into a somewhat narrow valley surrounded by high alpine peaks. It felt like the wingtips were going to touch the terraced mountainside rice paddies that we were passing by...exhilarating indeed! The first thing I noticed when I stepped off of the plane (in addition to the stunning scenery) was the sweet fresh Himalayan air and the crystal clear blue sky. It was love at first sight.

On my first day in this wondrous country I had the opportunity to experience both it's rural charms as well as it's urban side. Kevin and I spent my first several hours here touring the picturesque and pastoral Paro valley, where I had the chance to visit the local dzong (a fortress complex, many of which can be found across the country, which serves as a community religious and administrative centre) and a historic Buddhist temple, as well as have my first taste of  Bhutanese cuisine (potatoes and chilies in cheese sauce...yum!).


We then drove over the mountains to neighbouring Thimpu valley...home sweet home. Along the way I saw many examples of traditional Bhutanese architecture, which is absolutely beautiful; the rammed earth, multi-story structures are truly works of (highly function) art that make use of indigenous materials and seamlessly blend into the landscape. I also caught glimpses of Himalayan rural agricultural life, unfolding today in much the same way as it has for countless years past.

As we entered the bustling 'metropolis' of Thimpu town, I was struck by how much more urban feeling it is than I had expected. I once heard of Thimpu described as an "oversized village", but this was not my own initial impression. In contrast to the rural areas we had just passed through, my new home felt very urban indeed with it's car dealerships, apartment buildings and traffic. Over the past week, however, Thimpu has been revealing it's many charms to me.

I have been
...wandering the town's quiet meandering side streets, admiring the abundant vegetable gardens that fill people's yards and various public spaces

...visiting the local lakangs (temples), appreciating the sacred space and the presence of elders walking round, spinning prayer wheels and reciting mantras at the weekend vegetable market and savouring the flavours of local seasonal delicacies such as asparagus and strawberries (pictures to come soon!)

...meeting many super-cute Bhutanese children (who always have smiles to share)

...and hiking along riverbanks and up nearby mountainsides, soaking up the breathtaking natural beauty along the way

I feel incredibly blessed to be here...
More to come soon!